Examples of Clients
Best Practices: Somers White takes the Best Practices of OUTSTANDING Companies and shows his clients how to use them.

Super Success For Clients and What They Say
Somers produces unbelievable results for clientele.
Super Successful World Financier Based in Paris, a 25 year client who operates as one man firm, has completed 250 Mergers and Acquisitions! “I get from Somers White what I cannot get from anyone else in the World!!!!!Every Assignment has produced significant results, often beyond my wildest expectations.“United States Ambassador
20 Year Client. The First Woman to hold a particular Ambassadorship. “I RECEIVE FROM SOMERS WHAT I CANNOT GET ANYWHERE ELSE! He programed me for SUCCESS. I know many people in very high places, but Somers is the brightest, fastest, most problem-solution minded person I have ever met.“ Internationally Renown MD “Somers White has been my business mentor and coach for 25 years. He made my success possible! He kept me from making Million Dollar Mistakes and guided me to building a highly successful internet business. Somers helped me reach for things I did not thing could be achieved and took me beyond my perceived limits.” Television and Print Media Star A woman client said, “I GET FROM SOMERS WHAT I CANNOT GET FROM ANYONE ELSE IN THE WORLD!“ She has had tremendous exposure in the media. New York Times, Forbes Magazine, Wall Street Journal, NBC, CBS, ABC, FOX, and Bloomberg. “Again and again, I sit there Dumbfounded and AMAZED at your Brilliance. I have been around many brilliant people, but you have the Fastest and most Creative Mind that I have ever Encountered!” Somers White Used as a Paid Resource Used as a paid resource by The Washington Post, USA Today, TV Bureau, TV Bureau of Canada, Press Association (New Jersey, Indiana, and Oklahoma) as well as Texas Broadcasters Association and Alabama Broadcasters Association, Watt Publishing, Rural Builder Magazine, W.B. Saunders Publishing, Mail Advertising Service Association, Point of Purchase Advertising Association, and Mississippi Valley Classified Advertising Managers, etc.
Biltmore Studios
● 3,000 paid Speeches ● CPAE Speaker Hall of Fame ● Degrees at Amherst, Harvard Business School ● Served on Faculty of Arizona State University ● Coaching CEOs longer than any one in Arizona ● Former Bank President & Arizona State Senator ● FIMC, Highest Award in Management Consulting
Spoken/Consulted Coach
In all 50 States & 6 Continents